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Show HN: RemoteML – Job Directory for Remote Machine Learning Positions (remoteml.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science Linux
98 points by dmonn 8 hours ago | 14 comments
Ubuntu 18.04 released (ubuntu.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science Linux
5 points by Theodeus 20 hours ago | 0 comments
Stanford CoreNLP: Training your own custom NER tagger (medium.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
6 points by gajju3588 10 hours ago | 0 comments
Vectordash is now live (vectordash.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
45 points by frlnBorg 4 hours ago | 11 comments
Text Classification made easy with Elasticsearch (elastic.co) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
3 points by based2 3 hours ago | 0 comments
TensorFlow.Js a painless way to get started with DeepLearning :) (understand.ai) AI/Machine Learning Data Science Programming
16 points by Langhalsdino 22 hours ago | 1 comments
Learning to See in the Dark (illinois.edu) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
183 points by isp 16 hours ago | 34 comments
Introducing state of the art text classification with universal language models (fast.ai) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
345 points by jph00 8 hours ago | 51 comments
Deep Learning for Electronic Health Records (googleblog.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
11 points by somerandomness 7 hours ago | 2 comments
Boston based TetraScience is hiring in DevOps/Release to revolutionize Science (workable.com) Data Science
1 points by spinwang 21 hours ago | None comments
Writing a Python C extension in 2018 (speakerdeck.com) Data Science Facebook
6 points by jbaviat 3 hours ago | 1 comments
A Complete Machine Learning Walk-Through in Python: Part One (towardsdatascience.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science Python
13 points by rbanffy 12 hours ago | 0 comments
Delayed Impact of Fair Machine Learning (berkeley.edu) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
61 points by jonbaer 14 hours ago | 30 comments
Automatic Photography with Google Clips (googleblog.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
80 points by dsr12 22 hours ago | 42 comments
How to Quickly Train a Text-Generating Neural Network for Free (minimaxir.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
4 points by minimaxir 10 hours ago | 0 comments
Google's Rules of Machine Learning (google.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
129 points by dsr12 6 hours ago | 11 comments
BuildZoom (a better way to remodel) is hiring a Data Engineer (lever.co) Data Science Startups
1 points by the_economist 8 hours ago | None comments
Algorithms and Data Structures Explained and Implemented in JavaScript (github.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
479 points by deckermann 11 hours ago | 42 comments
Google and Coursera launch a new machine learning specialization (techcrunch.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
33 points by john58 7 hours ago | 1 comments
How will the GDPR impact machine learning? (oreilly.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
55 points by jonbaer 5 hours ago | 78 comments
Human in the loop: Machine learning and AI for the people (zdnet.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
3 points by gk1 6 hours ago | 0 comments
A self-driving toy car using end-to-end learning (github.com) Data Science
156 points by sytelus 15 hours ago | 29 comments
30+ Machine Learning Resources (medium.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
56 points by mistaflu 12 hours ago | 6 comments
ML Beyond Curve Fitting: An Intro to Causal Inference and Do-Calculus (inference.vc) AI/Machine Learning Data Science Math
178 points by dil8 21 hours ago | 41 comments
Gym Retro (openai.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
159 points by lainon 10 hours ago | 13 comments
MIT Autonomous Vehicle Technology Study (mit.edu) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
79 points by danso 13 hours ago | 12 comments
Lots of algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript (github.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
5 points by formikaio 8 hours ago | 0 comments
Show HN: A k-means clustering algorithm implementation written in Go (github.com) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
23 points by mueslix 16 hours ago | 0 comments
Vuetube – Video resources that will help you to improve your Vue skills (surge.sh) Data Science Programming
107 points by flowck 12 hours ago | 21 comments
TDM: From Model-Free to Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning (berkeley.edu) AI/Machine Learning Data Science
97 points by jonbaer 8 hours ago | 11 comments

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