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Defeating Electron (medium.com) Microsoft
32 points by felixrieseberg 18 hours ago | 3 comments
Microsoft makes AI training courses available to the public (microsoft.com) AI/Machine Learning Microsoft
424 points by rbanffy 19 hours ago | 49 comments
E-waste recycler loses appeal on computer restore disks, must serve prison term (washingtonpost.com) Microsoft
388 points by dnewms 18 hours ago | 257 comments
Announcing a single C++ library manager for Linux, macOS and Windows: Vcpkg (microsoft.com) Linux Microsoft
63 points by ingve 13 hours ago | 29 comments
Eric Lundgren loses appeal on computer restore disks, must serve 15-mo sentence (washingtonpost.com) Microsoft
42 points by petethomas 9 hours ago | 10 comments
One of the most worrisome predictions about climate change may be coming true (washingtonpost.com) Science Microsoft
9 points by okket 13 hours ago | 2 comments
From Microsoft to Apple, and Back Again (akitaonrails.com) Microsoft
32 points by allenleein 3 hours ago | 21 comments
Eric Lundgren loses appeal on computer restore discs, gets 15 months (sfgate.com) Microsoft
7 points by codezero 7 hours ago | 2 comments
Gwynne Shotwell: SpaceX's Plan to Fly You Across the Globe in 30 Minutes [video] (ted.com) Science Microsoft
89 points by logancg 15 hours ago | 101 comments
PyTorch Releases Major Update, Now Officially Supports Windows (medium.com) AI/Machine Learning Microsoft Python
10 points by trcytony 11 hours ago | 0 comments
E-Waste Innovator Will Go to Jail for Making Windows Restore Disks (gizmodo.com) Microsoft
69 points by montrose 1 hours ago | 4 comments
‘E-waste’ activist gets 15 months in prison for selling Windows restore disks (polygon.com) Microsoft
86 points by ilamont 13 hours ago | 11 comments
Surface Phone speculation spurred by new phone APIs in Windows (arstechnica.com) Mobile Microsoft
12 points by ThoAppelsin 11 hours ago | 1 comments
Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Released (ubuntu.com) Linux Microsoft
13 points by fcanela 9 hours ago | 4 comments
Man Gets 15-Month Sentence for Selling Windows Restore Discs (extremetech.com) Microsoft
4 points by artsandsci 15 hours ago | 0 comments
Microsoft Convinces Judges to Jail Man for Copying Software It Gives Out Free (techdirt.com) Microsoft
69 points by eaguyhn 18 hours ago | 18 comments
The OS X Problem (xkcd.com) Microsoft
4 points by tosh 10 hours ago | 1 comments
Struggling to Believe This Report of an Apple AR/VR Headset Coming in 2020 (gizmodo.com) Microsoft Apple
5 points by Dangeranger 9 hours ago | 0 comments
Office 2019 Preview is ready for Commercial customers (microsoft.com) Microsoft
8 points by taspeotis 5 hours ago | 0 comments
New Windows 10 Features (windows.com) Microsoft
60 points by bluesilver07 4 hours ago | 64 comments
Microsoft attempts to spin its role in counterfeiting case (techcrunch.com) Microsoft
197 points by sizzle 1 hours ago | 145 comments
Computers in North Korea run on look-alike Mac software called 'Red Star 3.0' (businessinsider.com) Linux Microsoft
7 points by dbattaglia 9 hours ago | 2 comments
Mathematical Illustrations: A manual of geometry and postscript (ubc.ca) Microsoft
201 points by noch 13 hours ago | 33 comments
How Microsoft helped imprison a man for ‘counterfeiting’ free software (techcrunch.com) Microsoft
144 points by iamjeff 2 hours ago | 121 comments
Detroit Was Crumbling, Now It's Reviving (nytimes.com) Microsoft
201 points by rmason 18 hours ago | 164 comments
Official Guide to the EU's New General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (europa.eu) Politics Security Startups Databases Microsoft
132 points by Geekette 20 hours ago | 140 comments
Show HN: Textable, Platform Agnostic polls (polltime.co) Microsoft Programming
34 points by jajoosam 22 hours ago | 12 comments
A look at what the Windows 10 April 2018 update brings – Ars Technica (arstechnica.com) Microsoft
3 points by axiomdata316 9 hours ago | 0 comments
Electronics-recycling innovator going to prison for trying extend computer lives (latimes.com) Microsoft
66 points by thread_id 9 hours ago | 25 comments
Wild red wolf population could soon be wiped out (newsobserver.com) Politics Microsoft
17 points by spking 5 hours ago | 1 comments

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